hu architecture & engineering
34 East Putnum Ave
Greenwich, CT 06830
February 28, 2017
Dear Father Franco,
We have now had time to review and internally discuss the probe findings so I am forwarding this note in order to ensure that you are aware of the observations and recommendations which came about following our roof probing exercise (05.11.16).
In short the Northern Gable Wall being inspected will need to be partially rebuilt. We have exhausted all options at this point and we have run out of time.
The existing conditions reveal that the 16" load bearing wall is composed of the following:
- Solid Marble Block | Approx. 12"
-Hollow Terra Cotta Block | Approx. 4"
The wall observed has moved out of plumb minimally 1" (see photos attached)
The terra cotta block reveals signs of instability due to water and the freeze thaw cycle. This has resulted in the exterior marble block being pushed outward. (see photos attached)
The terra cotta block simply cannot hold the steel reinforcement we had planned to secure the wall with in order to avoid the rebuild. The terra cotta block is abnormally fragile by nature and not meant for this type of performance request even in the best of state.
In conclusion we are recommending that the gable wall be deconstructed, block, by block to the corner key stone located at the stained glass window edges and then reconstructed as a solid, plumb wall.
We are going to recommend that the stained glass windows be restored in place in order to try and make this more economically feasible.
This will process will affect the windows and interior finishes unfortunately which will add to the cost of the project.
Again initially we were hoping that we could avoid the interior finishes and the stained glass windows; however it is inevitable that they will need to be addressed.
I am instructing our team to complete the drawings by the end of June; however I would like to discuss the fact that the parish needs to be prepared for some additional professional fees as well as the additional construction costs here; the construction costs obviously being the real hurdle to contend with.
I would like to set up a conference call meeting to further discuss what we have accomplished to date as well as discuss the note outlined above. Please provide some dates that work for you and we will set up a time to do such.