"The time immediately following death is often one of bewilderment and may involve shock or heartrending grief for the family and close friends. The ministry of the Church at this time is one of gently accompanying the mourners in their initial adjustment to the fact of death and to the sorrow this entails." (OCF, 52).
As the next of kin, please consider waking your loved one for at least one evening at the Funeral Home and then bringing your loved one to Church for a Funeral Mass the following day, regardless of whether the decedent will be interred or cremated. We are not able to provide a funeral mass or service with cremated remains unless you show proof of intention to bury.
Once you have made the arrangements with your Funeral Director, instruct him/her to contact Sacred Heart Rectory. Sorry, but we cannot accept any arrangements until we have been contacted by the Funeral Home. For the standard offering for the Mass please call the rectory office.
The Wake at the Funeral Home
Once the public times for the wake and your requested time and language for the Vigil Rites have been confirmed, a deacon or a priest will attend. Following the Vigil Rites, it is also appropriate to have your loved one's Eulogy read.
Bringing the Body to the Church
"At the funeral liturgy the community gathers with the family and friends of the deceased to give praise and thanks to God for Christ's victory over sin and death, to commend the deceased to God's tender mercy and compassion, and to seek strength in the proclamation of the paschal mystery." (OCF, 129)
The usual time for a Funeral Mass is 10 AM, Monday to Saturday, unless another Funeral has already been scheduled at the parish. We are unable to have Funeral Liturgies on Sundays. Once your funeral director has confirmed the date, time and language for the Mass by contacting the rectory, every effort will be made to correspond with the next of kin by phone or at the wake in order to discuss the details of the Funeral Mass (e.g., military honors, civil servant / first responder, notariety, special requests for Sacred Music, Priest / Deacon concelebrants, special circumstances, special relationship with the Church, etc.)
The Burial
"Following the most ancient Christian tradition, the Church insistently recommends that the bodies of the deceased be buried in cemeteries or other sacred places."
If your loved one will be cremated (which often takes several days to prepare), their remains should still be given a proper burial. "To rise with Christ, we must die with Christ: we must “be away from the body and at home with the Lord” (2 Cor 5:8). In other words, how can we rise if we have not been buried?
Families may request a private memorial mass on the anniversary of their loved ones death. While this is often done on the first anniversary of death, it can also be done on any anniversary date. To arrange a memorial mass, please contact the rectory. Memorial masses are usually scheduled on Saturdays between 1 pm to 3 pm. For the standard offering for the Mass please call the rectory office. There is an additional $100 heating fee from November to April. You may provide your own flowers.